About NSES » Schedules


Arrival and Dismissal Procedures at NSS


Students may enter the building after 7:40am; please do not drop off your child before 7:40am as we do not have supervision. Our start time is 7:55am, and dismissal will be at 2:25pm.
Although it will make the most sense when you see it in action, here’s a description of how we do arrival and dismissal:


  • Car Drop Off -  Please drive around to the back parking lot and form a line along the sidewalk, beginning at the main entrance of the building. A staff member will be present at the first car in line to assist in directing traffic.  After buses have unloaded, cars will be directed to unload students. All students will then walk along the sidewalk to enter the building either at the doors near the garden or through our main entrance.. Please pull forward on the sidewalk as far as possible and remain in your car.  This will ensure our drop off line continues to move while cars behind you are waiting.  PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CHILDREN MUST EXIT ALL VEHICLES FROM THE PASSENGER SIDE FOR SAFETY. After unloading, cars should exit the parking lot by driving through the middle lane between parked cars to ensure bus safety.
  • Walkers/Bikers - Walkers and bikers will be assisted while crossing North Street by a crossing guard beginning at 7:30.
  • Buses - Students are dropped off beginning at 7:40am, and the students walk directly into the school building while being monitored by staff. 


  • Dismissal Changes - If your child’s dismissal procedure will change, please be sure to provide the main office with a written notice upon arrival in the morning.  If dismissal procedures must change during the school day, please contact the front office by phone, as emails often go unread until after dismissal has occurred. 
  • Car Pick Up -  Please drive around to the back parking lot and form a line along the sidewalk, beginning at the main entrance of the building.  In the first days of school, all drivers will be provided with a placard with your child’s name on it.  Please have the placard displayed in your window for staff to view.  There will be staff outside at the drop off/pick up lane who will radio in to another team member to announce arrival/pick up.  When notified of a parent pick-up arrival, the staff member will then assist that student in exiting the building. If a student is being picked up by someone other than a parent, please send a note with your child so it can be added to our list.
  • Walkers/Bikers - Walkers and bikers will be assisted while crossing North Street by a crossing guard. Students must have a note granting permission to walk or bike. Students without a note will not be allowed to walk/bike home.
  • Buses - Buses are called in waves. Students immediately exit the classroom when their bus is called, and they head directly to board the bus. Please know that we are not able to accommodate requests to ride a different bus for a single day use.